Square root of 14 – What is the Value of Root 14?

Square root of 14

The Value of Square root √14 is = 3.74

Square root of 14

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Square Root calculator

Type a value in the box field to convert the value to square root of the input value:

The SQRT is:

The Square Root Calculator is used to find the square root value of any number.

How to Use this Square Root Calculator?

If you want to find the square root value of any number then this calculator is really going to help you, the procedure to use this calculator is very simple , 

That is put the input value for that number you want to find the square root value (power of the number is 0.5 or 1/2)

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What is Square Root?

The square root of a number is defined as the value, which gives the number when it is multiplied by itself. The radical symbol √ is used to indicate the square root. For example, √16 = 4. The radical symbol is also called a root symbol or surds. If a number is a perfect square, we can easily find the square root of the number. If the given number is not a perfect square number, the square root can be found using the long division method.

Standard Form of square root :

The standard form to represent the square root is given below:

The square root of a function is defined as: f(x) = √x

In other words, it is defined by √(x.x) = √(x)2 = x

What is a perfect square?

A simple way to know if a number is a perfect square or not:

  • If a number ends with 2, 3, 7, 8 at the unit place then it is not a perfect square
  • If a number is a perfect square, then it ends with 1, 4, 5, 6, 9 in the unit place but vice versa is not possible. For example, 25 is a perfect square, whereas 35 is not

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What is the Square root of 4?

In mathematics, squaring a number is not difficult as the calculation is easy. To find the square root of a number is complicated as we need to find the original number that was squared. Let us consider an example: +5 and -5 are square roots of 25 because 52 = (-5)2 = 25. A non-negative real number has a unique non-negative square root. It is called principal square root denoted by √a. √ is called the radical symbol or radix and in this example, the principal square root of 25 is 5 which is denoted by √25 = 5, because 52 = 5 • 5 = 25 and 5 is non-negative. The number underneath the radical symbol is called the radicand. Here the radicand is 25.

Considering the above example, +2 and -2 are square roots of 4 because 22 = (-2)2 = 4. A non-negative real number has a unique non-negative square root. It is called principal square root denoted by √a. √ is called the radical symbol or radix and in this example, the principal square root of 4 is 2 which is denoted by √4 = 2 because 22 = 2 • 2 = 4 and 2 are non-negative. The number underneath the radical symbol is called the radicand. Here the radicand is 4. Here is a video for the shortcut method to find out the square root of a number.

Square root of 40 ?

40 is the multiple of 4 and 10. As we already know, the root of 4 is equal to 2 but what about number 10. Since 10 is not a perfect square, thus we have to find the root of 10 using the long division method.

Hence, we can write,

Value of root 40 = √40 = √4 x √10 = 2 √10

Since, √10 = 3.162 [By long division method]

Hence, √40 = 2 x 3.162 = 6.324

Square root of 400 ?

When number 4 is multiplied by 100 it results in 400, such as;

4 x 100 = 400

As you can see, both 4 and 100 are the perfect squares. Hence, it is easy to find the root value of 400. Therefore,

√400 = √4 x √100 = 2 x 10 = 20

Hence, 20 is the answer.

Similarly you can also find other square root value by this method.

Click Here to read more about Square Root

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Square Root From 1 to 50

Here is the list of the square root of numbers from 1 to 50. Student can use this table to do calculations.

The sqrt of 1  =  1

The sqrt of 2  =  1.414

The sqrt of 3  =  1.732

The sqrt of 4  =  2

The sqrt of 5  =  2.236

The sqrt of 6  =  2.449

The sqrt of 7  =  2.645

The sqrt of 8  =  2.828

The sqrt of 9  =  3

The sqrt of 10  =  3.162

The sqrt of 11  =  3.316

The sqrt of 12  =  3.464

The sqrt of 13  =  3.605

The sqrt of 14  =  3.741

The sqrt of 15  = 3.872

The sqrt of 16  =  4

The sqrt of 17  =  4.123

The sqrt of 18  =  4.242

The sqrt of 19  =  4.358

The sqrt of 20  =  4.472

The sqrt of 21  =  4.582

The sqrt of 22  = 4.690

The sqrt of 23  =  4.795

The sqrt of 24  =  4.898

The sqrt of 25  =  5

The sqrt of 26  =  5.099

The sqrt of 27  =  5.196

The sqrt of 28  =  5.291

The sqrt of 29  =  5.385

The sqrt of 30  =  5.477

The sqrt of 31  =  5.567

The sqrt of 32  =  5.656

The sqrt of 33  =  5.744

The sqrt of 34  =  5.830

The sqrt of 35  =  5.916

The sqrt of 36  =  6

The sqrt of 37  =  6.082

The sqrt of 38  =  6.164

The sqrt of 39  =  6.244

The sqrt of 40  =  6.324

The sqrt of 41  =  6.403

The sqrt of 42  =  6.480

The sqrt of 43  =  6.557

The sqrt of 44  =  6.633

The sqrt of 45  =  6.708

The sqrt of 46  =  6.782

The sqrt of 47  =  6.855

The sqrt of 48  =  6.928

The sqrt of 49  =  7

The sqrt of 50  =  7.071

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