Area of Sphere Calculator

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Area of Sphere Calculator

The area of a sphere is the total amount of surface area that the sphere occupies. It is measured in square units. The formula for the area of a sphere is:

A = 4πr^2

Where A is the area of the sphere, r is the radius of the sphere, and π (pi) is a mathematical constant equal to approximately 3.14.

To find the area of a sphere, we simply need to square the radius and multiply it by 4π. Here is an example:

Example: Find the area of a sphere with a radius of 5 cm.

Solution: Using the formula, we have:

A = 4πr^2 A = 4π(5)^2 A = 4π(25) A = 100π

Therefore, the area of the sphere is 100π square centimeters.

Here are a few more examples:

Example 1: Find the area of a sphere with a radius of 8 cm.

Solution: Using the formula, we have:

A = 4πr^2 A = 4π(8)^2 A = 4π(64) A = 256π

Therefore, the area of the sphere is 256π square centimeters.

Example 2: Find the area of a sphere with a radius of 3.5 meters.

Solution: Using the formula, we have:

A = 4πr^2 A = 4π(3.5)^2 A = 4π(12.25) A = 49π

Therefore, the area of the sphere is 49π square meters.

Example 3: Find the area of a sphere with a diameter of 12 cm.

Solution: We first need to find the radius of the sphere, which is half of the diameter:

r = d/2 r = 12/2 r = 6 cm

Using the formula, we have:

A = 4πr^2 A = 4π(6)^2 A = 4π(36) A = 144π

Therefore, the area of the sphere is 144π square centimeters.

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